Local honeybees help pollinate gardens, flowering trees, and plants within a 5-mile radius of their hive.
Did you know pollen is a protein for honey bees? Pollen varies in color based on the flowers bees visit.
Honeybees carry pollen back to their hive in little baskets on the backside of their legs. They store the nectar in the honey stomach.
Up to 50,000 honeybees can live in one colony.
Hive inspections are essential for maintaining healthy bees.
All worker bees are female.
Beekeepers mark their queen to help locate her.
A brood box is where the queen lays her eggs.
A new queen will emerge from her cell in about 14 days.
Local Sugar Hill beekeepers inspire others to keep bees in Gwinnett County.
Where can I buy local honey in Sugar Hill, GA? Purchase local honey from HP's Bees. All natural, raw honey made in Georgia.
Our local honeybee population faces many environmental threats, including deforestation, pesticides, and varroa mites.